Ancient dao (じ ょ う こ と う, Jyoukotou) : don't usually included in the list of Japanese dao, refers to the ancient dao the sword of before. Give priority to with straight knife, such as great a picture of the scene system knife era edo prints
With occasional the knife. Ancient dao (こ ど う, Kodou) : refers to the Japanese sword is a long ago. Harding middle age before the main room is too knife. New sword (し ん と う, Shintou) after a long sword. New 々 knife (し ん し ん と う, Shinshintou) : based on the great water-vessel water is show advocate create, the use of ancient dao forging the sword of the method, otherwise the said, shall refer to the late eighteenth to well into the nineteenth century, at the end of the period of Japanese dao. The modern dao (げ ん だ い と う, Gendaitou) : also have the said, shall refer to the 1876 years Japan issued to the sword after waste system knife. Zhao and knife (し ょ う わ と う, Syouwatou) : as the sword arts Japanese dao category of outside a, is mainly used for the weapons of saber use the knife. There are a variety of method.
Divided according to the shape
All kinds of Japanese sword, put way different, because the chiseled different direction. Too knife (た ち, Tachi) : in a knife for long, curving blade also higher. No hard and fast rules too knife wearing way, however, in order to facilitate the cavalry take out knife slashing the ground enemy, too knife will generally to winger down way wearing, and hanging below the belt. Japanese dao are points of positive and negative, too the sword is positive the right. Inscription position is key, if the cut that first, as the front of the sword blade, too many in the blade knife is right. Hair form itself too knife: stem and handle (つ か, Tsuka) function of the knife too, exists in by the straight knife knife to bend the transitional period. The pill shape too small knife: from the blade of that area to play made picks, feng for smoking. A slight radian, is straight knife to bending of the transitional period of a knife. Small too knife: length too a little shorter than the sword. Knife (か た な, Katana) : say again play knife (う ち か た な, Uchikatana), is generally too knife for short, also has relatively low sinuosity of blade. For the sake of the fastest speed to a sword, the traditional DaoHui on the way to winger wearing, scabbard inserted in the belt. If the cut that first, as the front of the sword blade, the inscription on the left. So the sword is positive left. According to modern classification a long iron
Degrees (blade length: cut to the first building straight distance) 60 cm above the knife. Stalking, poor (わ き ざ し, Wakizashi) : also called a threat to point to, the length of more than 30 cm under 60 cm of the knife. Used in narrow space or break armor. The knife (た ん と う, tantou) : 満 30 cm length is not the knife. In addition, 30 cm above but no knife against flat to build the knife made method, intellectuals "are often be delayed for a short sword. General is warrior class of self-defense weapons. The ginsu knives: ninja special Japanese sword. The ginsu knives than the average knife short and easy to carry. And the ginsu knives with peace times former sword similar, it is straight blade, in order to fight on foot or as props (such as legs) use. So the ninja blade knife than ordinary Japanese sword is as blunt.
According to use division
Japanese sword according to different purposes of can be divided for the quarter, instrument knife knife, hit knife, hyogo lock knife, keep knife, too poor threat.
According to the regional division
Japanese sword with the regional division, can be divided into the southeast in guinea and northwest 7 way 65 countries. As in guinea, mountain city, Hanoi, and spring, and taken the tianjin etc. The east river, beauty of the hill near strong, strong faith, ueno, etc.
According to the characteristics of forging division
According to the characteristics of forging, Japanese dao can be divided into 26 pie. If the kingdom prepared, ancient before, courtyard, abundant deaf before addition to forging, chrysanthemum, law embodied in a temple forging smelting, etc.
Editor this period of Japanese dao detail classification
込 made the kinds of
Picks made (し の ぎ づ く り, Shinogidukuri) say again this made (ほ ん づ く り, Hondukuri), the most common Japanese sword modelling. Is considered to be made by cutting edge evolved. Ping made (ひ ら づ く り, Hiradukuri) is a body plane, have no visible picks muscle and cross hands, and the short sword, poor little threat is modelling. No picks. Flat play knife made in room from the middle of The Times and development between the end with a saw. Piece of picks made (か た し の き づ く り, Katashinokidukuri) single cant open feng, one side is made, a flat picks were made. Slice blade made (き り は づ く り, Kirihadukuri) more toward the direction of the blade picks the modelling. Ancient dao in common. Feng two-edged made (さ っ き も ろ は づ く り, Sakkimorohadukuri) near the front part of the sword, for the sword like double edge. Can take up half body. Calamus made (し ょ う ぶ づ く り, Syoubudukuri) will be made part of the hand picks after removing the plastic. Like calamus leaves, hence the name. Short dao in common. Crown fall made (か ん む り お と し づ く り, Kanmuriotoshidukuri) blade by cutting the h1 picks for the shape of the thin calamus made even cut was also cut thin first. Ti first made (う の く び つ く り, Unokubitsukuri) similar crown fall made, but to keep the original cut thickness. Similar to Ti long thin neck, hence the name. Two blade made (も ろ は づ く り, Morohadukuru), double blade upward. After the middle age Harding room with the short sword common. Chicken blade made (bird の yan く び, Penniscutouronreykuri) with choiceness, is famous for its sharp. Japan is ancient and modern as the scalpel can treasure.
The kinds of
Japanese sword is part of the present radian said the (そ り | Sori), but in the position of the blade, with the passage of time, by the sword is the trend of the rear to changed. The main types of the following several kinds. The waist (こ し ぞ り, Koshizori) in the center of the sword in the center of the building and feng slightly lower position. Peace era to end with early age storehouse too knife common. In the (な か ぞ り, Nakazo